Pipe cleaner bees are a blast for your cat! They'll be busy batting and chasing them around for hours!
My cats bat these guys all over the place! Unknown on 6th Sep 2015
Over the years the bees have been the favorite toy of most of my cats. They love to bat them around and carry them around. One piece of advice: Buy a number of them. They have a tendency to disappear under furniture. We go on a bee hunt periodically and "rescue" a bunch of bees. Unknown on 3rd Apr 2014
These cute little toys are such a hit with our two cats, we have to put them away at night so they can take a break. In the morning we toss one to them. Then they spend the rest of the day playing with it. One cat will carry it off to some part of the house, and then the other cat will go fetch it and carry it back to wherever we are, meowing with it in his mouth. They go through this routine over and over, it's funny! Lisa on 12th Jun 2013
Ok, so this is a pun. My Maine Coon kittens love this toy. They will bat it with their paws (like a baseball game) or chase after it and play "fetch".
Both kitties each have several so there is no jealousy over the toy(s) which works out well.
Bees are well made and very whimsical.
Another great toy made by the Mouse Factory Cathy B. Sacramento, CA on 5th Oct 2012
That's just what my cat does with these. She brings me one and drops it in my lap. I throw it, she runs after it, plays with it a little, and then brings it back so I can throw it again. These are really wonderful little toys. Laura K on 22nd Nov 2010